Captains Charity

Chosen Charity Partner for 2025 is Age UK Cheshire

Age UK Cheshire is a local charity, with their own Board of Trustees made up of local people, responsible for sourcing all the funding for their work locally.

Age UK Cheshire work with older people in Cheshire to support them in living their best life. They do this by their work focussing on three key areas: relieving loneliness, combatting poverty, and increasing independence. This is so that local older people feel connected, have enough to live on, and lead the lives that they want to lead.

In a practical sense this means that they deliver services that include an information and advice helpline, a befriending service, support at home, a dementia activity group, a schedule of coach trips, care sourcing, and support with discharge from hospital. All of these activities are only delivered to people within Cheshire.

Any funds raised through the generosity of the members and guests of Portal Golf club will initially be targeted towards two areas:

1. Funding towards the co-ordinator to increase capacity within the Sharing Time befriending service which would further reduce loneliness and isolation to those across Cheshire

2. In addition, it would support funding towards an activity co-ordinator for the Bright Memories Dementia Day Service. More information on these services can be found on the Age UK Cheshire website

There is a community centre based in Northwich (CW8 1DT) where Age UK Cheshire hold a number of services. Members are welcome to visit the centre to drop off donations, see the vital work that is done, and/or volunteer for any services of interest.

We really value your support in raising funds for older people across Cheshire.

Your 2025 Captains

Davie Thompson and Amy Lester

Please donate using either the following link or Scan the QR code below