Aim at the tall tree to the right of the fairway to avoid OB and leave a good line in between the greenside bunkers.
Keep your drive anywhere but left, then aim at the silver birch on top of the hill for your layup. Approach to the green plays a club short due to the steep drop.
Sensible play is to layup short of the first bunker and then play a short iron into the green. Do not go over the back, as there is a steep drop & long rough waiting.
A shot that runs out to around 220 is required should you want to go for the green, without having to take it over the trees. If you are short, play down to the bottom of the hill to leave yourself a circa. 100 yard shot to an elevated green.
Aim for the middle-left of the green, the bunker is not a place you want to be, with tall rough not far over the back.
With everything running right to left on the green. Try not to be above the hole - 3 putting from 2 feet, has been done many times on this green!
With the steep gradient leading up to the green - take one more club than the distance.
For many, the right way to play this hole is with a long iron from the tee. The hole points you towards OB right and hitting 3 off the tee is a regular occurrence.
A hole that plays very different from the Whites. From the Yellows and Reds, the OB and hazard are not too much in play. Off the Whites, both will get your attention. If you can hit a draw, this hole will suit you nicely.
Try to keep your tee shot just inside the two large trees to the right. If you do pull your drive, consider playing down the left side of the hazard.
Keeping your drive to the left-hand side of the fairway gives you the best chance in reaching the green. The White tees add an extra 40 yards to an already long hole.
The longer hitters can get it close here, however, playing short and leaving yourself a full shot in, is not a bad play.
Aim inside the large tree just to the left of the fairway, will give you the best angle to the green. Approach plays about half a club shorter, and with trouble over the back, be careful.
From the drive, trying to get as close to the tree as possible without being blocked out, will give you the best angle into the green. Short of the green is much better than long.
Off the whites, this is a completely different hole. Over 200 yards, approaching from the right side of the green, over a bunker, this is not an easy hole.
OB left, lost ball territory right and 3 bunkers in driving distance, means hitting the fairway is more important that distance. A layup will then leave you with an approach which plays one club more than normal.
It is essential to hit the green here, with danger waiting all around. If you are not comfortable, take an extra club and make sure you clear the water.
Be careful lining up. The tee points you towards the 11th fairway. A good drive to the top of the fairway will run down, gaining you valuable extra yards. Going for the green in 2? Take it over the trees to the left, to leave yourself the best chance.
Out Of Bounds (Rule 18 applies)
a. Applies to all holes, beyond all hedges, walls and fences marking the boundary of the course.
b. Applies to all holes beyond the inside points at ground level, of any line of white stakes or markers, adjacent to the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 14th, 15th, 16th & 18th.
c. Internal Out of Bounds beyond the inside points at ground level, of any line of white stakes/fence posts or markers, when playing the 8th, 9th and 18th holes. No free relief can be taken from safety fences where it is an Out of Bounds fence for that hole
d. On or beyond the path behind the 18th green and on or beyond the practice putting green, except when playing from the 11th hole white tee position. (within lines drawn from the edges of the teeing area to the fairway edge of the practice green)
Interference (Rule16)
1. Relief MUST be taken:
a. From all staked trees/shrubs and trees/shrubs protected by mesh protectors.
b. From all winter greens.
2. Relief MAY be taken:
a. If a ball lies within one club-length of any pop-up sprinklers or concrete/plastic/metal drains.
b. If there is interference to stance or area of intended swing because of the fixed course furniture. (This includes the shelter on the 6th tee and the practice nets).
c. From all artificially surfaced paths and tracks.
d. From all drainage channels where gravel is exposed.
e. From the internal out of bounds posts when not playing the 8th and 9th holes.
f. From the safety fences on the 7/8th (not when playing the 8th), 10th and 17/18th holes (not when playing the 18th).
g. From drainage holes on putting greens.
Safety Fences on the 10th hole and 8th & 18th holes when playing the 7th and 17th holes
a. If the ball lies in the area between the fence and the vertical drop, relief MUST be taken under Rule 16. If the ball is in a penalty area, a penalty shot must be taken under Rule 16.1
b. No shot shall be taken when the player’s stance is between the safety fence and the drop, relief MUST be taken under Rule 16.
Penalty Areas (Rule 17) – Yellow /Red Posts
a. The bridge on the 17th hole lies within the penalty area (Rule17.1a applies)
Drop Zones on 13th and 15th by the greens
a. If a ball comes to rest in or under the hedge behind the 13th green or in or under the hedge to the left hand side of the 15th green but still in bounds, a penalty drop (1 shot) can be taken from the nearest drop zone sign within two club lengths of the sign.
b. If a ball comes to rest on the path on the 15th hole (past the end of the safety fence) or if the ball lies on the greenside of the path on the 15th hole and the players stance or swing his hindered by the path, then a free drop can be taken from the nearest drop zone within two club lengths of the drop zone sign.
Ground Under Repair
Relief MUST be taken from all areas (including winter greens) marked by white paint or other medium and defined as GUR or as currently posted on notice boards.
Tractor Tyre Marks, Wheel Ruts or Spring Flowers
A ball lying in the general area in an abnormal ground condition i.e. a wheel rut, tyre or animal hoof mark MAY be lifted and dropped in accordance with Rule 16.1a. Relief MUST be taken from spring flowers, before and during flowering, except in a penalty area. The area behind the 13th Green used as a track by the Greenkeepers is within the General Area of the course and a player whose ball lies in this area must play the ball as it lies.
Penalty for breach of any Local Rule.
Stroke play – Two strokes
Match play – Loss of hole
See white notice board by golf shop for any temporary local rules.
All 150 yardage posts are to the centre of the green. Except on 3rd – 100 yds and 4th - 75 yds.
Use of Buggies
a. Buggies MUST stay on the paths when on the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 15th & 17th holes.
b. When there are no paths to use, buggies should stay in the semi-rough or rough and should only cross the fairways at 90 degrees.
c. Buggies MUST NOT be driven or parked within 10 yards of greens or green fringes or bunkers, unless on a path.
d. Buggies MUST NOT be taken onto tees, greens or green fringes.
Use of Trolleys (Pull & Electric) and Golf Bags
a. Trolleys/Bags MUST NOT be taken onto tees, greens and green fringes.
b. Trolleys MUST NOT be taken between greens and greenside bunkers.
General Care
a. Please rake bunkers and leave the rake back in the rake holder or IN the bunker if no holder after use.
b. Please repair all pitch marks on greens.
c. Please replace all divots on all parts of the course